Adult adhd
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder *ADHD*
Even though it's called adult ADHD, the signs showed up when you were a young child. Sometimes, a person with ADHD is not identified or known to have it until they are an adult. The signs of ADHD in adults might not be as clear as they are in kids. Adults may not be as hyperactive, but they may still have problems with being reckless, being nervous, and not being able to pay attention.
ADHD, or adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, is a mental illness that causes a person to have ongoing problems like not being able to focus, being too active, and acting without thinking. Adults with ADHD may have trouble with their relationships, do poorly at work or school, have low self-esteem, and have other issues.
The way adults with ADHD are treated is similar to how kids with ADHD are treated. Medication, psychotherapy, and treatment for any other mental health problems that happen at the same time as ADHD are all parts of treating ADHD in adults.
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