Intimate partner violence

  • Couple Arguing

    Intimate partner violence (IPV) is includes physical, mental, financial and sexual abuse. “Intimate partner” includes spouses and dating partners; current and past. IPV varies in frequency and severity. It might be one violent incident with lasting effects or persistent and severe occurrences spanning years.

    One of the biggest problems we see in our office is financial abuse and child custody problems. Relationships where there is an unbalance between two partners can take a toll on you.

    Many people who look conceited, tough, egotistical, and engaging in other hostile actions are referred to as "narcissistic" in popular culture. However, the diagnosis of narcissistic Personality Disorder can only be given by a trained professional. If you think you are in a difficult and narcissistic abusive relationship, let us help you by understanding what is really going on in your relationship, navigating through the difficulties of possible other mental illnesses as well. Please give us a call to make an appointment.