commonalities among those in difficult relationships

Have you ever wondered if you were the only person experiencing your difficulties? Wondered if other relationships were as difficult as yours? Why is it that we see so many social media stories and pictures with these so called “perfect” relationships?

Let me tell you that you are not alone! Most who come to our therapy offices are experiencing the see difficulties you are!

  • the same patterns

  • the same dynamics

  • the same experiences

  • the same disappointment

  • the same feelings of being unloved

  • the same feelings of “I am trying so hard but nothing seems to be getting any better”

Boat of aloneness

You are NOT alone! You are in the same boat as many people; it just doesn’t feel like it.

Research shows that there are five attributes of those who find themselves in difficult, often narcissistic types of relationships.

  1. Agreeableness

  2. Conscientiousness

  3. Tolerance

  4. Loyalty

  5. Attachment (abandonment) issues

Now these attributes do not seem so bad, but they are considered TOO agreeable, TOO conscientious, TOO tolerant, TOO loyal, and TOO fearfully attached afraid to lose someone.

Navigating the waters through relationships are hard. We aren’t given a manual. We just behave and relate the way we know how. But what if I told you there are new, better ways to have relationships with other?

First you must look deep inside of you, look at your childhood wounds. You did not have a perfect childhood, even if you believe you did. (How do I know this? You wouldn’t be reading this if you did because you would have a better relationship with your partner).

There is an old saying “People don’t fall far from the tree.”


your kid’s mentalhealth


Narcissism's Toxic Trap of Love